Once you have your landscape project complete you’ll need the right advice to keep it growing strong. Check out our planting instructions and care instructions for the help you’ll need. These articles will help teach you about the care and maintenance your plants will need throughout the growing seasons.
Looking to plant a little more this season? Worried about what didn’t come back from last season? We warranty our plants for one full year and since our plants are grown in the Midwest they are adjusted to our climate and conditions making them hardy and long-lived. If you need to plant more this season don’t forget to call diggers hotline (Wisconsin) or Julie (Illinois) to locate any underground wiring or gas lines. This helps prevent accidents from happening and ensures you are planting in the right location. Also, all trees & bushes must be tarped when transporting in an open trailer or truck when purchasing from the garden center for the warranty to be valid and to ensure good health and prevent wind burn on the drive home.

Planting & Care Instructions - Warranty & Diggers Hotline